Snow Is Melting...Thank You

According to my snow stick, (which is really the highway reflector marker) since we have had all this warm weather and now rain, we are down about a foot of snow. Last weekend we couldn’t even see the top of the marker, and now there is at least a foot sticking up. I am not going out in the rain to measure.

Today has been a quiet day. Raining, slushing, and whatever from the sky, it was a good day to sort through some fabric and get ready for a new sewing project. I inherited 2 bags worth of fabric, and I think with a the poly in there I can finally fix the quilt from Nana. When we moved to New Hamshire, I guess she thought it was the North Pole, and gave me this really heavy quilt she had made. She has passed now, and I thought it would be nice to fix it up for one of the boys. It is afterall their Great-Grandmother, and since it was from the ex’s side, really no relation to me. I always kept in touch with her, and I guess you could say we were related in spirit. She and I, even though years apart thought alot alike.

Off to the sewing room I go. So many projects…so little fabric.

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