Snow Up to Our Ears

It has been snowing today since around lunch. The last time I looked out, we had about 2-3 inches. By now we must have around 6-8. It has been snowing pretty steady all day.
Being a so called holiday, it was quiet and we got alot done. I never did start on my sewing projects, but I did get alot of web stuff done. I have been working on more herbal articles for my other blog It is starting to be chocked full with all sorts of herbal information. Need more you could always check out That site has more information than the dictionary. It took us forever to put it all together, and we are still tweaking it. We want to put pictures on it so you can actually see what the herb looks like.

Being that I haven't been out all day, I think I will go check out how much snow we actually have. Tomorrow I will get around to posting pictures of the 1860's day dress I made for Christmas

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