Let It Snow

It is snowing like crazy outside. The wind is whipping around. Although it is cold, and blizzard like, it is very beautiful. The back yard is blanketed in virgin snow. It is wonderful. By tomorrow some creature will have left their foot prints, and we will have fun examining the paw prints to see which animal it could be. Could they be after the carrots still left in the garden? Good eating for some hungry critter, if they can dig them up.
I suspect we might be without power by tonight, but that doesn't bother me much. Candles are always at the ready in this house, since we use them as light much of the time anyway. If by chance the lights do go out, I guess we will all be sleeping by the wood stove in the kitchen.
There are times when I wish we didn't need electricity. It would be like living back in 1822 when the house was just built. Technically, I think we could get along without electricity, especially in the winter. One wouldn't need a fridge when it is frigid outside. Other than the computer, we really don't use that much electricity. We use candles and oil lamps for light, and the wood stove supplies most of the downstairs heat. I don't think we need to heat upstairs, since after getting into bed it is warm anyway. Seems like a waste to me to heat the air for you when get out of bed 8 hours later. Why not just turn it up as soon as you get up?
I am sure the owners in 1822 would think we have it pretty good since they had no electricity and would have had just a wood stove in what is now our living room. They would have kept warm from the fire, and from cooking breads, and meals. Being that this was a farm even 175 years ago, I am sure they would have had cows or other barnyard animals to take care of.
We don't have that task as of yet, but come spring, we will have chickens.
I wonder what they would be doing on a snowy Sunday afternoon in our home 175 years ago.

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