Our Daily Life

5:30-6 a.m.- Wake up and get the dogs outside.
6-7 a.m. - Get the wood stove going, make the coffee (no Mr. Coffee here). We use an old percolator coffee pot circa 1940's. We then feed the dogs and get them settled. After they have eaten we eat. Oatmeal, eggs and toast, or maybe some pumpkin bread would be on the menu.
7-8 a.m. - We relax. We do watch the new at this time but only for a short time. We can't take it for longer than 1/2 hour or so. Too much input. No one needs that much input. And is the news really news anymore or just a side show for freaks. Who cares if Brittney Spears cut her hair off?
We plan on what we are doing for the day, or we may talk about what project gets done next in the house. That usually takes the longest since we have so many plans to accomplish.
We get the dishes done, the house cleaned up, and then it is off to work.
8 a.m. 12 p.m.- The commute to the office is a killer, especially if the dogs are in the mood to play. It seems as soon as we get up they think it is play time. Our "commute" is about 10 feet from the living room to the office.
During the season, I go out and work the gardens, and then open the shop.
Next it would be to make whatever needs to be baked for the day. Lunch is put on the stove around 9 a.m. to make sure it is done for lunch time.
I can then putter and do what needs to be done. Sewing, cleaning, or working on our website.
12 p.m.- We have lunch around 12 - 1 depending on what is going on at "work".
1 - 5 p.m. - Back to work. There are still bills to be paid. Depending on what we are having for dinner, I might start to cook around 3 or 4.
5 - 6 p.m. - Get the dogs fed. They know what time it is. Then we get dinner. No rushing here. We take our time and enjoy each other's company and the food. We get the dishes and kitchen cleaned up and go relax on the couch.
For the rest of the evening we talk, work on our websites, play with our critter friends or watch a movie. We don't have cable, so we use the VCR.
Bedtime is when we get tired. Usually anywhere from 8 - 10 depending on how much we did during the day.
The dogs go out for their last "business run", and we get the wood stove stocked up to last the night.
Now is it time for bed.
Kodie and Robin go to their room. They seem to like to share a bedroom. Chakra goes off to his room. He likes having his own room with his own big bed.
We then go off to our room for another night of blissful slumber.
Good night John-Boy, Goodnight Maryellen.

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