New Lease on Grandma's Antiques

I decided last night to start the job of upholstering Grandma's furniture that my cousin Deb handed down to me a few weeks ago. She had inherited it from my aunt when she died, and she wanted to pass them to someone in the family who would take care of them. They were passed down to my Grandmother when Aunt Lucy died years ago. I remember as a child, sitting on them in the parlor as Grandma would play the piano. They were crushed red velvet, and a tad worn, but we were still taught respect for the old pieces. The springs were falling through the bottom, and the velvet was torn in spots, but to me they were beautiful. And now they grace my formal parlor. I finished redoing the chair last night, and hope to start on the couch and settee today. They will once again be beautiful. They won't be red, and there is no piano in the room, but they still echo wonderful childhood memories for me.

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