Looking Towards A New Year

It snowed again last night. I am glad we didn't get too much, as we have another storm on the way tomorrow.
I have been taking some time off to just putter around, and it feels good. The in-laws have been visiting, so it has been nice not to be too busy. It makes for a much more relaxed visit. Yesterday we went to Strawbery Banke, and we had a great time. The liked it so much, they became members. Now, when we go again in the spring, they will be free too. It is so nice there in the spring, summer and autumn seasons. We had never been during the Christmas season, and it was beautifully decorated for the holidays.
Just a few more days until the new year, which always gets me thinking of goals I want to achieve. I have a few "resolutions", but I always like the term "changes" better. We eat well now, but I think we can eat better. This will in result in losing weight, which is of course the main goal.
I will walk more which will be good for my back, and also help with the weight. So that will accomplish two goals.
We will work on expanding the farm and it's operations by at least 50%.
We will continue to work on backdating the house.
I will work on finishing up all the reupholstering projects that are lurking around the house. This will help with the backdating of the house.
I will finish the wallpaper jobs.
We will redo at least one floor in the house...maybe two.
We will continue to redo the kitchen. By the time we are done, you will think it is the 1940's.
For now, I think that is it. That many "changes" should take all year and then some.
Bread is rising, and needs to go in the oven soon. I have to check the wood stove, and start thinking about what is for lunch.

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